Pemanfaatan hasil cacahan limbah botol plastik untuk bahan pembuatan paving block

Dedi Avianda


         Seeing so many people who always consume beverage products packaged in plastic bottles, the waste from plastic bottles is also increasing, the material from plastic bottles is a material that is difficult to decompose, it takes tens to hundreds of years for plastic to completely decompose. Recycling of plastic bottle waste is very necessary in order to reduce plastic bottle waste so that later the plastic bottle waste does not pollute the environment. Recycling plastic bottle waste into paving blocks is one solution to reduce plastic bottle waste.

       This study aims to make paving blocks of plastic bottle waste that have been chopped and analyze the comparison of the compressive strength of paving blocks made from plastic bottle waste with SNI paving blocks. There are 2 variations of plastic bottle waste paving blocks, namely PET plastic bottle waste = 70% and 30% sand, and PET plastic bottle waste = 50% and 50% sand, the compressive strength of the paving block will be compared with the compressive strength of the paving SNI blocks purchased from craftsmen around the house (portland cement). The reference for this test refers to SNI 03-0691-1996. The paving blocks were tested using a compression test.

       The results of the paving block testing of plastic bottle waste obtained 189.18 MPa from a mixture of 70% plastic bottle waste specimens and 30% sand, from these results it can be classified as category A and can be used for roads and motorcycles and 208.87 MPa from mixed specimens. 50% plastic bottle waste and 50% sand, from these results it can be classified in category A and can be used for roads and motorbikes and 165.59 MPa from the portland cement paving block (SNI) specimen the results are also classified in category A and can be used for roads as well as motorcycles.



Keywords : Press Test, Paving Block, PET Plastic Bottle Waste (polyethylene terephthalate)


Press Test, Paving Block, PET Plastic Bottle Waste (polyethylene terephthalate)

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