Penerapan Pembelajaran Tutor Sebaya Dengan Strategi Everyone is a Teacher ( ETH ) Pada Praktek Pembelajaran Tematik SD Di Program Studi PGSD IKIP PGRI Semarang

Fine Reffiane, Djariyo Djariyo



Thematic learning is learning that is designed based on certain themes. In his discussion themes were reviewed from a variety of subjects. Thematic learning provides the breadth and depth of curriculum implementation, offering vast opportunities for students to bring up the dynamics in education. In cycle I obtained an average yield of 81.5% active students, the average ability of students 57.7%, an average of 7.4 and active learning in peer tutoring and learning activities to teach the average value of 7, 56. In cycle II, obtained an average yield of 83.4% active students, the average ability of students 73.4%, the average learning outcomes 8.8 and the average value of active peer tutors in the teaching-learning 7.75.

Keywords: ETH, Peer Tutor

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