An Error Analysis of Students’ Cover Letter Writing Assignments

Qorinta Shinta, Hetty Catur Ellyawati, Hernofika Laksmi Tatas


The objective of this descriptive study was to analyze students' grammatical errors in writing assignments, in this case writing a cover letter for second-semester Computer Science students at the University of Semarang. The target population included 21 Computer Science students enrolled in a Business English class chosen randomly from a pool of 50 participants. They were asked to write an application letter in English. Then, using the surface approach taxonomy, the researcher examined the students' writing for the following errors: 1. Omission Errors; 2. Addition Errors; 3. Misinformation Errors; and 4. Misordering Errors. The findings of this study show that student errors range from the most common to the least common, with a total of 67 phrases: (1) Omission 38.8%, (2) Misinformation on Sub-Alternating Forms 23.8%, (3) Addition on sub-Simple Addition 22.3%, (4) Misinformation on sub-Alternating Forms 8.9%, (5) Addition to sub double markings 2.9%, (6) Misinformation to sub regularization 2.9%. The errors in the Addition type (sub-regularization) and Misinformation categories do not appear at all (0%). According to the data above, pupils still do not comprehend how to employ basic English grammar structures or ho



grammatical errors, sentences, writing, and cover letter

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